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Livestreaming från drönare hjälper att rädda liv | Bliksund

Skriven av Bliksund SE | 2022-jan-01 07:42:00

På Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency bidrar direktsändning från drönare till att öka säkerheten för invånarna i distriktet. Liveströmningen ger viktig information om bränder och deras utveckling, vilket bidrar till att rädda liv och egendom.

I östra Kanada ligger staden Halifax där huvudkontoret för Kanadas äldsta brandkår, Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency, ligger. Även om brandkåren är den äldsta i sitt slag betyder det inte att de håller fast vid gamla arbetsrutiner och vanor - tvärtom. Under ledning av den tidigare kaptenen George Kharma har räddningstjänsten optimerat sitt arbetssätt genom att integrera live-streaming från drönare i räddningsarbetet.

Enligt George Kharma är direktsändning från drönare ett viktigt och avgörande verktyg som bidrar till att öka säkerheten för de nästan 500 000 invånarna i det distrikt som betjänas och skyddas av Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency.

"Livestreaming hjälper oss bland annat att lokalisera och rädda människor som vi inte omedelbart kan se på marknivå, både i samband med bränder och sökningar. Dessutom ger live streaming oss viktig information om bränderna och deras utveckling, vilket gör det säkrare för våra anställda att utföra sitt arbete",

säger den tidigare kaptenen George Kharma från Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency.

George Kharma tillägger att live-streaming också ger räddningstjänsten en överblick över ett mycket stort område, vilket hjälper insatsledaren att fatta rätt beslut och använda resurserna på bästa möjliga sätt.

This video shows two firefighters on duty fighting fire with hose and water in trying to save a building from a blaze in Halifax, Nova Scotia. 


A user-friendly solution

Since January 2021, Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency, which consists of 51 fire stations in all, has been using IncidentShare – the live streaming solution. The solution has been the right one for emergency services because it can be used by many different units and is ready to go with a single click.

The reason we’re so happy and satisfied with IncidentShare is because it’s so easy to use. You just open the app or your browser, click on the red streaming icon, and the streaming starts up. This gives immediate access to everyone who is part of the operation and who needs to monitor the live stream. That’s a great advantage for us, because things often have to move quickly and we may have many different units working together on an incident, says George Kharma.


Another advantage of Incidentshare is that it saves the live stream as a recording, so that you can go back and review the proceedings. This function is important for emergency services, which use the recordings to continuously improve their practice.

After we’ve been on a drone-monitored mission, we often go back and review the footage. The recordings often contain important knowledge that we can use to improve in the future and save even more lives and property.


A thermal image at a scene where because of the difficult access to the area, the command was unable to see what the crew had without the live drone stream from above on their cellphone IncidentShare app.


Live streaming in action from the start

Just days after Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency implemented live streaming as a solution for their missions, they received a call about a fire and explosion hazard in an industrial building. George Kharma and another officer quickly decided that they would try out the solution.


We were having difficulty figuring out how the fire was developing, so we sent someone from the emergency services into the building, who could then transmit live from a mobile phone. At the other end of the link were both the command centre and the emergency vehicle staff, who could locate the danger areas with their own eyes. We were amazed at how well it worked, and it was a perfect start.


Former Captain George Kharma Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency has recently retired, but it is thanks to him that the solution is now being implemented in the emergency services. Ever since he first flew a drone in 2014, he has had a passion for drones and safety: A passion that has been the driving force behind the implementation, and one that he has not completely abandoned, either.


George Kharma

Retired Fire Captain

Drones and public safety applications are my passion – some might say my obsession. What motivates me is to create a safer environment for everyone in our society – and in particular the emergency services. I’m going to go on working for that, even though I’m retired from the service, says George Kharma.